Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find the answers to many of the questions that people have about hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

However, if you have a query that is not covered please send it through and Steve will reply as soon as he can.

Click on any of the headings shown below to reveal the full content for that section.

Q. What is hypnosis?

Whilst there is no universally agreed upon definition of ‘hypnosis’, one of its characteristics is that it's an effective way of opening up a channel of communication with our subconscious.

This is the part of our mind that drives habitual behaviour and generates emotions. It's also home to our creativity and imagination, and the place in which we store our experiences from the past.

Often people who have experienced hypnosis say they felt that both their mind and body were very relaxed, and that whatever reservations they had about hypnosis were quickly dispelled.

Daydreaming, going on ‘auto-pilot’, being ‘in the zone’ are all entirely natural states of mind that have some similarities with the experience of being in hypnosis.

Q. What is hypnotherapy?

The word ‘hypnotherapy’ has evolved from the phrase ‘hypnosis therapy’, and is a form of therapy that makes extensive use of hypnosis to assist clients deal with a wide range of personal, emotional or habit-related problems.

Q. Is hypnotherapy anything like ‘stage hypnosis’?

No - the two areas are very different.

Stage hypnosis is for entertainment and makes use of group dynamics, whilst hypnotherapy is for the individual and uses hypnosis in a private and confidential setting purely for therapeutic aims.

Q. Can I be hypnotised?

The answer is highly likely to be, “Yes”.

Assuming there are no temporary or permanent factors that would suggest hypnosis and hypnotherapy are not going to be beneficial for you, it really comes down to whether you want to be hypnotised and how relaxed you are about your choice of hypnotherapist.

In one sense all hypnosis is ‘self-hypnosis’, and so we can be hypnotised when we are comfortable ‘letting it happen’. This is regardless of whether we choose to benefit from a human guide (hypnotherapist), use an audio recording, or act as our own guide.

Q. Will I lose control when I'm in a state of hypnosis?

As most people would interpret this question, the answer is “No”.

Many people who choose to use hypnotherapy will have a personal, emotional or habit-related problem and these issues will often stem from a difference between how the person's conscious mind would like things to be and how their subconscious is behaving.

In order to be able to achieve the result that a client wants it may be necessary for them to express certain negative emotions and to explore historical events and experiences in a new way.

Undertaking this process can feel profoundly ‘freeing’ and may also be experienced as a healthy ‘letting go’ of some fear-based control. The very thinking and behaviour that has kept them ‘stuck’ prior to benefiting from hypnotherapy.

Q. Will I fall asleep or lose consciousness when I am hypnotised?

If you are physically or mentally exhausted when you are hypnotised, there is a small possibility that you may fall asleep - as your mind and body will be so relaxed. If this happens, the state of hypnosis ends and your hypnotherapist will as gently as possible help you return to being fully awake.

During a hypnosis session you are most likely to find that you have a heightened sense of awareness, especially of your inner world and your hypnotherapist's voice.

Q. Will I remember everything that happened in my hypnotherapy session?

Just as some of us find that we cannot easily access recent events in their entirety in our daily lives, quite logically it is also likely to be true in relation to any hypnotherapy sessions we have.

Given this, what you will immediately recall from a hypnotherapy session may not be absolutely everything that occurred. However, when prompted you are likely to remember additional details and if you spend enough time doing so, you may well be able to piece together practically everything that was said.

In some cases you may wish to forget material covered whilst you are in a state of hypnosis. Clearly, if you are given suggestions to this effect, this may also impact on your ability to recall specific details from your hypnotherapy session.

Q. Will online or face-to-face hypnotherapy sessions work best for me?

Assuming at least an average broadband connection, from a therapeutic effectiveness perspective there is very little difference between the two ways of working.

When convenience, cost and wider health (i.e. coronavirus/COVID-19) considerations are factored in, then for many clients online hypnotherapy is by far the most appealing.

As with all forms of therapy - the precise results achieved may vary from person to person.

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© Steve Horrocks & The Ginger Well Limited 2017-2024